Large Group Rally

Small groups are a great way to grow in your knowledge of God and in friendship with your fellow brothers and sisters. In our weekly small group meetings, we study the Bible together to know Christ and his importance in our life, and support each other by sharing our lives and praying with one another. We welcome both believers and seekers to come join our small groups!

Small groups may enjoy different Bible studies: Investigative Bible Studies (IBS), Lessons on Assurance, and Design for Discipleship (DFD)!

Investigative Bible Study

In this introductory Bible study, we study the nature and life of Jesus Christ through the seven miracles in the Gospel of John. Our goal is to uncover the profound truth that is found in the text through the leading of the Holy Spirit. This Bible study is accessible to those who are new to the Bible, while at the same time fresh and insightful for those who have read the Bible before.

Lessons on Assurance

This study teaches assurances God’s Word gives to every believer in their walk with Christ: assurances of salvation, answered prayer, victory over sin, forgiveness, and guidance. This classic Navigator Bible study is highly applicable to our lives as disciples of Christ!

Design for Discipleship

The DFD is a seven book Bible study series by the Navigators. It is a comprehensive study of discipleship and all its aspects as revealed in the Bible, including areas such as conversing with God, fellowship knowing God’s will, love in action, fruitful living, proclaiming Christ, spiritual warfare, establishing a disciple, and world vision. Each book is comprised of questions that facilitate discussion and deep sharing in the small group.